Monday, March 31, 2008

Episode 8: The End Of History As We Know

Hello Viewers, and welcome to this grand finale episode of The Red Button. We never intended this to be the end, but it seems we have no option. Despite that, today we'll be discussing the following topics about the end of The Cold War:
  • Détente
  • The Berlin Wall
  • MAD
  • SALT I and SALT II
  • The START Treaties

We'll even take you downtown to show you the brutality of a police officer guarding the Berlin Wall, but although The Cold War seems to be cooling down (pun fully intended), it seems far away from truly ending, as evidenced by the end of our show. Sadly, it seems this website will not make it into the public. Perhaps a group of students in an AP World History Class or something will find this archived and release it to the public. If you ever read this, thank you for watching.
You may now press the red button.

News Anchor: Susan Zheng

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

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