Saturday, March 29, 2008

Episode 1: Conferences

Hello viewers, welcome to our first episode of The Red Button. In our first episode, we'll be talking about a few conferences that have occured during World War II. The topics include
  • The Tehran Conference
  • The Yalta Conference
  • The Potsdam Conference
  • The United Nations

These conferences were pretty big deals, and I'm sure you guys probably want to know something about them, as well as one of the maj0r results, The United Nations. We also have an exclusive advertisement for a new film about the Yalta Conference. Too bad the producer thought it was the Tehran Conference, but it looks to be a great movie anyway so stay tuned. Hope to see you guys at our next episode.

News Anchor : Frank Gentile

Film Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

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