Monday, March 31, 2008

Episode 9: An Underground Sports Special

While we are in a Soviet Prison somewhere in Siberia, we were able to slip out one final underground episode on the Olympic Games, specifically:

  • The 1972 Olympics
  • The 1980 Olympics
  • The 1984 Olympics

Although we likely won't ever be able to broadcast this, assuming we are able to, I hope you enjoy this Sports Special!

News Anchor: Jordan Encarnacion

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 8: The End Of History As We Know

Hello Viewers, and welcome to this grand finale episode of The Red Button. We never intended this to be the end, but it seems we have no option. Despite that, today we'll be discussing the following topics about the end of The Cold War:
  • Détente
  • The Berlin Wall
  • MAD
  • SALT I and SALT II
  • The START Treaties

We'll even take you downtown to show you the brutality of a police officer guarding the Berlin Wall, but although The Cold War seems to be cooling down (pun fully intended), it seems far away from truly ending, as evidenced by the end of our show. Sadly, it seems this website will not make it into the public. Perhaps a group of students in an AP World History Class or something will find this archived and release it to the public. If you ever read this, thank you for watching.
You may now press the red button.

News Anchor: Susan Zheng

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 7: Out In Space

Hey everyone, and welcome to an express edition of The Red Button. We only have a couple of topics today, and they both involve things that fly far away. Today we'll be discussing:
  • Sputnik
  • The Space Race

This episode is about quality over quantity as we talk about two big topics that really changed our globe. In the meantime, you can check out or version of what really happened on the moon that fateful day. Make sure you keep watching for the next installment of The Red Button!

News Anchor: Kristine Garcia

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 6: Things That Go Boom

Hello Viewers and welcome to an extra special edition of The Red Button. Today we're going to talk about things that explode. Specifically, we're talking about:
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Star Wars
  • The Arms Race

We'll also take you several different places today with some behind the scenes footage of the Cuban missile silos, watch all hell break loose as Star Wars visits our set, and make sure to check out our real life bomb threat drill. You're not going to want to miss this kind of news, and you're not gonna want to miss next episode either, so keep watching!

News Anchor : Kristine Garcia

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 5: A Fistful of Conflicts (and a holiday in Cambodia)

Hey Listeners! Welcome to a brand new episode of The Red Button. This is an extra large episode of The Red Button dealing with several conflicts and uprisings. Specifically, these include:
  • Uprisings in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland
  • Proxy Wars
  • The Domino Theory
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion
  • Solidarity

While we do have lots to say about all these conflicts, we'll also take a break to show you our rendition of the speech made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower himself. Thanks for watching. Don't push the red button!

News Anchor: Frank Gentile

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 4: Spies, Spies, And More Spies

Hello loyal viewers, and welcome to another exclusive edition of The Red Button. Today, Spies are what's on everyone's mind. We'll be talking about a few recent spy incidents and developments such as:

  • The KGB and The CIA

  • The Rosenberg Spies

  • The U2 Spy Plane

In addition to all this discussion of spies, we also give you a quick glimpse of the CIA in action, as well as a live demonstration of the Rosenbergs' executions. Thanks for watching everyone, and stay tuned for the next episode!

News Anchor: Louis Lamia

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia

Episode 3: The Fate Of Germany And The New Alliance System

Hello viewers, welcome to another episode of The Red Button. Since World War II is over, the world now has to decide what to do with Germany. Meanwhile, The World splits into alliances once again as The Cold War truly begins. Today's topics include:

  • The Division of Germany
  • The Berlin Airlift
  • NATO and The Warsaw Pact

Our episode today deals with how Germany was divided, Germany's fate, and these new alliances. We also take you behind the scenes for a look in a German slum during The Berlin Airlift. Stay tuned and remember, don't push the red button!

News Anchor: Susan Zheng

Video Editing: Susan Zheng

Producer: Louis Lamia